Wednesday, June 5, 2019

History of Latin America

History of Latin the StatesAshley ChambersLatin AmericaImagine youre sitting in your house and you look out the window and you try out new people come in and start changing ein truththing up and the settlers ended changing everything up, Latin America artistic traditions developed in Mesoamerica, aboriginal America, and South America after communicating with the Spanish and portuguese in 1492. Northern European artists inspired Italian renaissance trends, and spread their revolutionary ideas to Latin America.Latin America was a very plain and dull civilization due to the lack of art, music, and color. During the colonial period spanish settlers found Latin America and isnt recognitioned with the geographic expedition of Latin America but was the founder of the exploration of Latin America. While the spanish settlers there portuguese became to a greater extent involved with everyone and everything,The Portuguese were slower to become involved in the region. Although they laid clai m to Brazil for many decades, it was not until the mid-1530s that they became more directly involved, granting sesmarias, or land grants, to prominent citizens. (BHS colonial Period). Also during the colonial period European settlers also entered the picture, but some European artist didnt take on the new ways of changing Latin America.Due to new ways and not everyone liking the new traditions some of Europes people decided to split and go their own ways,As the colonial period began, a searching divide at first existed between indigenous artists and European migrs. In some instances indigenous artists continued to explore their own traditions and themes without alteration. (BHS Colonial Period). Europes people were very greedy with the new traditions and not getting credit for them in Latin America, so some of Europe people ended up taking credit for things they didnt even come up with in Latin America culturebut due to the wrong people more people ended up display up and more p agan groups and and cultural groups ended up mixing in with the new region, Many European artists also took moods and themes from Europe in a literal manner that had little to do with Latin American culture. Increasingly, however, reciprocal influences could be felt from both groups as more cultural and ethnic mixing came to define the region. (BHS Colonial Period).After the colonial Period some things did change and some not so much, more ideas ended up showing up and taking part in the Revolutionary ideals for Latin America. Northern European artists utilized Italian Renaissance trends but with a more plausible sense of realism figures in these works look like individuals with a variety of ages, shapes, and faces, and their bodies appear (BHS European Influence). After Europe got there and settle in a lot of Latin Americans found out about Fresco Paintings and Easel Paintings and ended up taking part in that as well as adding art to there church altars.Latin America ended up inh eriting this new style called Ultraboque,and to europe that was very popular.The heavy Ultrabaroque style readily gave way in Latin America to the Rococo style, which was then popular in Europe. (BHS Rococo). After this style Latin America was very content with this style and felt as if they were complete with this style,Latin America and Europe came together and put together projects for the new rococo style such as putting up sculptures.By the end of the 19th century Europe and Latin America ended up coming up with the stiff and haughty portraits and self portraits, At the turn of the 19th century, while stiff and haughty portraits of aristocrats were still commissioned, the genre of self-portraits by native-born painters also emerged, leading to works that reveal a more informal, human quality. (BHS Latin America art on the eve of independence). Latin america ended up inspiring a lot of new and sr. civilizations thanks to the help of European settlers, Latin America and Europe ended up inspiring New Spain with the creation of the daily life, an other(a) thing other civilizations liked was the actually Latin America landscape in the background of photosLatin American painters increasingly created scenes of daily life in New Spain in its half-century forward independence. In paintings created to document the viceroys travels, these artists began to depict actual Latin American landscapes in the background, rather than idealized backdrops. (BHS Latin America art on the eve of independence).Latin America ended up getting their revolutionary ideals from European settlers after they came in and helped them figure out who and what they were. Europe is credited with the revolutionary ideals and Latin American art independence after they migrated on and left to the next conquest. Europe is credited for the revolutionary ideals but not a whole lot with the exploration of Latin America,Europe indeed helped out with finding new territory and sending new groups and cultures over to Latin America such as New spain, Portuguese, and the spanish settlerWork cited page History of Latin America. Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2017.HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA. HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2017.How Did Revolutionary Ideas in Europe and Latin America Ignite Uprisings in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century?No. Help Notes. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2017.Latin American Art. Britannica School, Encyclopdia Britannica, 4 May. 2012. Accessed 6 Feb. 2017.Latin American Revolutions Slavery and Remembrance. Latin American Revolutions Slavery and Remembrance. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2017.

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